IRS Scandal and Senator Michael Bennet

Most everyone has heard of the IRS Scandal created and admitted by the IRS on a Friday afternoon. Why would they release this info late on a Friday? When the Obama White House releases something on a Friday they hope it gets little attention and the media will ignore it. It is their way to release potentially damaging information or information they want to keep under the radar getting little air time. Obama is notorious for releasing his Executive Orders on Fridays.

However, when the IRS admits something Tea Party and other conservatives groups have been saying all along, it isn’t going to pass the attention of Republicans or Conservatives. You also probably wondering why now, why would they admit such a thing? Well those complaints have not gone unheeded. Many in Congress began to investigate. After an IG report was due for release which implicated “a few rogue” agents in the Cincinnati IRS office for purposely targeting Conservative/Republican, Christian, Pro-Life, Tea Party, and Jewish groups on their 501 c3 or 4 applications, the IRS had to come clean. Over 500 groups targeted with some who received extra special attention from the IRS; asking illegal questions, unnecessary questions, and delaying their application. Some have waited up to three years since they first filed. Some still do not have their approval.

So you are saying, well the IRS should ensure they are meeting the criteria for becoming a 501 3/4c and no one is disputing this part. The IRS should apply the same rules to all those who apply for this status regardless of their political views. The IRS must stay neutral whenever dealing with the public and should have no relationship with the White House. However, then IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman visited the White House 157 times. During the IRS testimony Shulman only could recollect that one of his visits was for the Easter Egg Roll. This is a blatant arrogant response.

This all started back in 2009 at the beginning of the Obama’s presidency and continued through the 2012 election to now. In other words, they used the strong arm of the IRS to deny, delay groups with opposing political views. I personally feel this was election/voter tampering. These groups were specifically targeted for their political beliefs and not for the service they were to provide.

Now you are wondering where Senator Michael Bennet fits in to this story and why should you care. Well he and 7 other Democrat Senators wrote and signed a letter on the 16th of February 2012 to the IRS to investigate 501 4c groups Letter to IRS re 501(c)(4)s 2-16-12. This file also found on Senator Bennet’s official website senators-call-for-irs-investigations-into-potential-abuse-of-tax-exempt-status-by-groups-engaged-in-campaign-activity. However, I have learned when you have a document that could be of interest later down the road to preserve it. You never know when documents or pictures on the Internet disappear from the books. This policy has served me well. Fortunately, this letter is a matter of record, so I don’t believe Senator Bennet can take it down. However, since when did something being illegal stop Democrats.

This letter sent a CLEAR message to the IRS to continue and/or begin to scrutinize specific Conservative groups who were applying for 501 (c)(4). Now you might say this is a generic letter calling for the investigation of all groups filing for this status. Did I say this was at a crucial election cycle? It does not take a rocket scientist to know they implied the scrutiny to non Liberal/Progressive groups. Let’s also say Liberal groups did not get the delays that “Tea Party” and “Patriot” applications experienced because Liberal groups did not have these phrases in their names. The IRS admitted this. Also, Obama’s brothers non-profit personally approved by Lois Lerner took less than a month; it was an election cycle after all.

Lois Lerner took over for Doug Shulman and believed to be one of the ones to provide this “extra” scrutiny. This is not the only time she took this type of action. She sits on administrative paid leave. I’d FIRE her and jail her with Doug Shulman and any others who broke the law.

Now I am not implying that Senator Bennet meant for the IRS to take the extra scrutiny and illegal questioning route they did, but he did provide the smoking gun that a little extra “investigating” was necessary. This letter was reckless and Senator Bennet should apologize to the people of Colorado. Here we have an elected official trying to influence the IRS to target specific applications and people during an election cycle.

Send a clear message to Senator Bennet; do not reelect him next election cycle. He is not an honorable man and can do great harm to Colorado. He also supports gun control measures, but that is another story. I have 2nd Amendment rights and he has no right to tell me how to protect myself as a woman or tell me how many bullets I need for that protection. It saddens me we have a Democrat Senator who puts his political aspirations above the people of Colorado and Colorado Springs.

Time for Bennet to go!